This dataset includes the specimen surface loading for both Waveform A and B lightning strike simulations. These datasets have been used in and generated by both COMSOL Multiphysics and ABAQUS. Readers are directed to the supporting information for interpretation of the listed data. Files Included in Dataset COMSOL Predicted surface loading due to lightning plasma: - Waveform_B_Composite_Current_Density.csv - current density profiles (radius vs time) at composite specimen surface - Waveform_B_Composite_Pressure.csv - pressure profiles (radius vs time) at composite specimen surface - Waveform_B_Composite_HeatFlux.csv - heat flux profiles (radius vs time) at composite specimen surface - Waveform_B_Copper_Current_Density.csv - current density profiles (radius vs time) at copper specimen surface - Waveform_B_Copper_Pressure.csv - pressure profiles (radius vs time) at copper specimen surface - Waveform_B_Copper_HeatFlux.csv - heat flux profiles (radius vs time) at copper specimen surface - Waveform_A_Single_Ply.inp - ABAQUS orphan mesh for Waveform A showing mesh detail - Waveform_B_Single_Ply.inp - ABAQUS orphan mesh for Waveform B showing mesh detail - IM600/133_Materal_Data.doc - Thermal-electrical and Mechanical material data used in ABAQUS simulations - Waveform_A_Temperature_Profiles_All_Plies.xlsx - Temperature profiles from thermal-electric simulation for Waveform A, each tab provides data for each ply - Waveform_A_Ply_"n".csv - Ply-by-ply temperature profiles from thermal-electric simulation for Waveform A where "n" represents the ply instance from '45-1','0-1','N45-1','90-1','45-2','0-2','N45-2','90-2' (see supporting information for interpretation of data files) - Waveform_A_Loading_Profiles.csv - Time dependent amplitudes used to apply current and pressure loading for Waveform A and variables for the analytical field equations used to apply loading. (see supporting information for interpretation of data files)